Thursday, July 22, 2010

"Give Me A Day"

Ok, so I'm not much of a writer/poet, but sometimes the words are there. Sometimes it's hard to share them with people, because I know that it's not always good, and it feels scary to share the 'rawness' of my thoughts; like I'm exposing part of my soul to the world. This is a song I've recently written - maybe someday I'll write some music. Let me know what you think - Thanks for reading!

"Give Me A Day"

The ground grows harder under my feet
Walking uphill - I pause to catch my breath
I think of how my life is like this climb
And every morning I just feel tired to death.

I don’t want to get up and do it again:
Busy office, busy people and bad coffee
Each day it’s this same boring routine
And I want so much more than I see.

Give me a day to live for
One that means more than this
Give me a day to live for
The kind I don’t want to end

I compare the lives that others have
To the things I want in mine
I think how life could be so full
Trying my best just to follow the signs

I sometimes struggle and it hurts
The path is not easy to see
I get tired of all this falling down
But it’s not time well spent on my knees

Give me a day to live for
One that means more than this
Give me a day to live for
The kind I don’t want to end

But if I turn my eyes from inside
If I start looking out and look up
I can fall on the Grace that keeps giving
And that Love will overfill my cup

If I stop comparing the things that I don’t have
To the things that I’ve already been given
I’ll find joy in the days set before me
For my treasure’s built up heaven

You have given me a day to live for
This day is the one that You made
One of the many that eventually leads
To the Day that will never end

You have given me a day to live for
Today is my day to live for You.

Rachel G. Unger ©


Susannah said...

That's really cool! I love the chorus.

Leah V. said...

Wow! That's amazing!